ICD #5 - A Mate or An Illusion? It depends on your pick!

ICD #5 - A Mate or An Illusion? It depends on your pick!

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Here is the next set. I will not post the answers or solutions until after a week or so, to give readers a chance. You are welcome to post your solutions and explanations. Please don't use computer help. The best response can request a copy of my Chess Exam You vs. Fischer book (you pay only for shipping/handling). The earliest response gets a node, when similar answers are given. Use variations only as necessary. See my answers to ICD #1 as example.

I hope you like these puzzles and my Chess Exam books. Current specials on books and collectables.

Check these pairs of positions. For each pair –

1. Determine what is different between setups (A) and (B). White is always at the bottom (a1 = bottom left corner). 1 point for each pair. Maximum of 4

2. You always have BLACK pieces, no matter Who is to move – determine if you (Black) would rather have position (A) or (B), or indifferent. Make sure you have a good reason! You get 2-10 points, depending on complexity. Adjust your score, if your reasoning wasn't 100%. Maximum of 20 for set #4.

Overall, the maximum score for set #4 is 24. How will you do? Invite your friends to compete! Enjoy!

[4 points]

#1 Easy

{A       B}

White to Move


[2 points]

#2 Easy

{A       B}

Black to Move



#3 Moderate

{A       B}

White to Move



#4 Hard

{A       B}

White to Move


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Igor Khmelnitsky

Save $$ on my Chess Exams 

Answers - will be posted in a week or so.