
JVQZLUIS vs. lebesgue72: French defense: 12/17/14

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Hi! This is a game I recently played here, live. It's been a while since I've played or posted. There's a deployment of the white bishop in the beginning that I'm unsure of. I wonder if I should have considered queen checks on the e-file more than I did in the game. White's deployment of the king-side knight looks like it blocks in their f-pawn from moving very much, for a while. White changes the structure with a d4 strike into the center, and at the time, I chose to keep it closed and gain more space. Black's deployment of their light-squared bishop could probably have been much-improved, and other aspects of black's piece organization could have been considered earlier to think about where black's light-squared bishop would like to be. Whit'es a-file opened up, and there were some unprotectedness issues on f3, and there was an exchange of the dark-squared bishops that made it so that white's a-file opening up ended up, in the game lines, to be good for white, at some point, after certain things had gone on. There's slight pressure on white's fixed(then) d4-pawn, which continues until near the end of the game. Maybe it would have been a better idea to consider this more carefully as white, but I'm not sure at all about that. Black's lag in development and castling means that the black rook on would have been unprotected after a capture from a7 to b6, and therefore the white b-knight was quite safe on b5. Also, the dark-squared bishop exchange allowed the white queen to come the a-file(and protect white' d4 pawn) more easily than would have been without the exchange. White's queen-side pawns get rolling, and eventually white gets connected pawns, which posed an issue for black. There was a fork on minor pieces that was missed(which would have been good for white), but eventually, white, because of the connected pawns, gets a very advanced knight outpost on d6. White eventually gained black's a-pawn, but black got a bit more control over the a-file(maybe equal with white's control/influence over that file), there were meanwhile back-rank issues for both sides. Then there were some inaccuracies on both sides under time pressure. Ultimately, white got a very advanced knight outpost. I wonder what would have happened had there been a fork on move 18. Maybe this would have been an improvement for white. For black, the deployment of the bishops could definitely have been better, and perhaps an improvement would be to take more care about how the development of these pieces happens, and to coordinate it more with the rest of the pieces. Maybe a next step would be to suggest precise ways in which this could have happened. Also, white got lots of tactics because of black's lag in development and castling, so I'm pretty sure there's a point at which black can be developing instead of pursuning other strategies or material at the board. Maybe somewhere in moves 8-11. Here's the game