
"Chess For Match Players" - William Winter


Anyone read this ?

This was one of the few books I had when young. An interesting book. It surveys the opening, middlegame and endgame.

The author suggests openings depending on wether you are a "positional" or "combinative" type player.

Winter, when writing feels the Nimzo Indian isn't good enough because of the Samisch variation !!!!

Overall an interesting book from a time when there were far fewer books being churned out.


That was one of my fist 5 books and dog eared to boot.  The old paper back Dover edition didn't hold up to well. I am looking every week to buy it in an old hardback edition and trying to find it in excellent condition. 


I noticed some on You might find that some may ship internationally.

My small collection back then consisted of Chernev's Logical Chess/Most Instructive Games. Also had "Pan Book Of Chess". Not very good in hindsight but might get a copy for old time sake - one of the few books giving the B/N checkmate from the king in the opposite corner.