
Set for Candidates Tournament 2013


Anybody know what set of pieces is being used? Lots of good photos here:


I believe it's specially designed for the tournament. I'm sure they'll release a version of it for the viewing (buying) public after the tournament is over.


well i guess its just normal dgt pieces, i mean its also a dgt board.I would look at the dgt website, maybe they have it there.


I did look at the DGT site - nothing I found there looked the same as these pictures. The king in particular looks quite different than anything on that site.


I was correct. 

Details about the design process:

You can buy it here: 


i like this set a lot.... other than the knights, which are really, really ugly. they also lack any detail which usually denotes a quality set.

Moyuba wrote:

i like this set a lot.... other than the knights, which are really, really ugly. they also lack any detail which usually denotes a quality set.

i find the king too big, i guess its more something for the feminin player.


chess set is very modern and beautifull. I like king with crown. BUT I WANT 4 QUEENS!!!


Well..As a chess set colllector I have a chess set of Regency Chess Company £41.98 called  "Pioneer Golden Rosewood Chessmen 3 3/4 Inches"  in Amazon Uk (idem)

and...The King, The Queen, The Rook and Pawn  have the same design, or the similarities are so amazing!! Only The Bishop and Knight are diferent! The Knight is clear an improvement based of normal DGT pieces!
Well inovation...bla, bla, bla! And yes... this set is not for the Candidates Board! The pieces are "muffled" in the squares!
Marketing only!
This Set is good, nothing more! Far away of Jaques or British Chess Company, Ayres and so on!
Thanks, from Portugal


Sue me, I love the knight. A bold design, out of the ordinary. Modern with no loss of tradition. Just received the set today, it is beautiful.

I am sad to report that one of the pawns arrived broken, a collar chipped. This is unacceptable on a 199,99 pound sterling set.



Funny I was thinking about the type of DGT pieces use during this London Candidates tournament 2013.  I have 2 DGT electronics board with several DGT chess sets and never seen the chess set they are using now. But Cubis is correct he has posted a link.  I have also copy link (see below) for see the details of the  DGT pieces use during this London Candidates tournament 2013. I personal like the ebony and royal DGT pieces but this are interesting 

Details about the design process for the DGT chess set being use for London Candidiates Tournament 2013:

You can buy it here: