
New Chess Mentor Format / Idea


I got one today which was a one-mover - more suited to tactics trainer! But I still liked it, cos I got 100% Cool

PS also my first correct 2000 rated lesson, with a great code - SEX020!


Thanks for the feedback everyone! Super appreciated!


All of us are waiting for moreWink


Chessmentor is really cool, maybe a bit too generous with rating points especially when we screw up and still get rewareded. Also I think that in for instance Silmans suberb strategy courses that sometimes when I manage to find something that looks really strong and I play it, I am not rewarded because some GM played another move. I won't get anything for my answer because it has not been looked at by Mr Silman - Couldn't you extend the analysis of your problems with the help of Computers. It might not work I guess because the computer may see something that obvious to the computer 20 plies ahead...I don't know. In this case my move was actually quite a bit stronger than Botviniks according to Stockfish both instatly and a minute in to analysis, but of course it may have something to do with things I don't understand - so it could be more atrributed to luck and not materialize if I don't follow the computer exact line..

Keep up the good work guys!!


Very good, we want more! My suggestion: Tal's games!


This format is excellent! It helps us in developing in chess very much!


I like the format very much, but I just had a lesson of "guess the move" which was a K+3P v. K+N study by Awerbach and was greatly disappointed - after the first move I then got 9(!) free moves and the lesson was over!

I only got the first move on the 2nd attempt, no hints used, but I still got 100%, +14 ... maybe this lesson should be revised?

Thanks all the same for a great feature!


I like the idea being a fan of solitaire chess. But I hope you target these games towards the intermediate players. For example how about using some amateur games instead of only master games. On ICC Dan Heisman has videos analyzing amateur games and they are very instructive. tends to go more in for grandmaster games that are often over my head.