
Opening Novelty - The Sicilian Defense


I've created a brilliant new opening sequence. It has been developed thus far as follows: 



the only thing that could be stupider than my initial post is somebody actually thinking I was serious. 

fianchetto123 wrote:

the only thing that could be stupider than my initial post is somebody actually thinking I was serious. 

Meh, people have made crazier claims on this site. I figured it was probably a joke, but just in case....

And, I don't find starting sentences with lowercase letters very intelligent either.. but, I suppose that's a discussion for another day. ;)


"And, I don't find starting sentences with lowercase letters very intelligent either"

lmao only somebody truly stupid could come up with something like this


That's just amazing. (You should just make up a better example).

hoedesack wrote:

"And, I don't find starting sentences with lowercase letters very intelligent either"

lmao only somebody truly stupid could come up with something like this

Well, his comment probably didn't really deserve a response in the first place, but I felt like saying that just for kicks. I'm glad you enjoyed it and have found a particularly productive use of your time :)


You know what, I'm sorry. My comment was intended to cause offense, and this is in fact not a very productive use of my time. This site is not for arguments; this site is for good chess. This site is to enjoy the game, not fight with the other people. My comment was infantile and indeed very childish to say. I'm sorry for whatever conflict I may cause by my comments. Peace, and God bless.


All ...Nc6 Sicilians have a drawish reputation.


Wow. Thats a great novelty!! I did just beat one with it: