
Ruy Lopez- Can you play the black pieces to this opening or maybe like to learn?


Hey guys...


I got a bit of a challenge (or maybe it would be a bit of a favour) but I have been trying to learn a new opening for white as I decided it was time for a change. I get really bored though just learning reams of theory off by heart and I figure the best way is to learn by playing! 

I'm hoping I can find four or five people willing to play correspondence chess with me as the black side of this opening. You can make any variation you like after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5.....


Afterwards we can all post our games on here and discuss. I don't mind much if I win or lose the games(obviously I will want to win but...), it will just be cool to do and it will be a fun and hopefully educational way for me and you to to perfect our knowledge on this most popular opening.


Post your name on here and I will send you a game invite or just invite me directly.


Can't you set up a tournament that starts with 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 ?


Yeah - I didt think of that but think it is doable. Il give it a try I guess.


Go for it. With your premium membership, you can change the parameters & all to suit your desires! I bet it fills up real fast! Laughing


Well I got one guy playing me anyway.... you wanna give me a go DrSpud, two games will be an ok start. Save me working out how to set up a tourny :)