
The Queenside Fried Liver


Let me make a board to show you...


honestly i cant tell if your trolling or actually belive this to be a reputable oppening either way dumb, i told you before there are many defences to this oppening its ok if it works still not great but you would have to be playing a very bad player for it to work, and gavinator you obviously dont understand english very well if you think i advise begginers against open games, i said it was irrisponsible to force begginers into that mould of play if it clashes with their personality they should play according to their personality weather it be and open or possitional game.


aljay most of that comment will be disregarded but I dont have a clue what you mean when you say this opening is not great ifit works, you go up a rook, pawn, and have better piece development.


@AdvLegitimate that's the same idea i play against those london themed oppenings.


advlegitimate a3 and blacks position is garbage so once again white always comes out better with this opening.


theres no way you would win a rook if you got your knight to b5 even if you did win the pawn whit is over extended and black can generate good counterplay.


aljay, we all know you would get dominated by anyone decent who played this opening within 20 moves. It is just unstoppable.


ok set up a game and ill play you then and you can post it here


adv, play nc3 first. so then after nf6 bf4 c6, black's knight can't develop to its most natural square while white's position is open and preparing to castle.


white still has a3, b4, b5


this idea also fails against the KID


Queenside fried liver?  I thought that was a restaurant Tongue out


This tactic is shockingly good. The only thing that even comes close to the greatness of the QSFL is Schollar's Mate.


In summary, after d4, there are two common replies. Nf6 and d5. either way, you play nc3, and the other move will be played. So 1 d4 d5 2 Nc3 Nf6, or 1 d4 nf6 2 nc3 d5. Then after bf4, black has a few options.

c6- stops knight from developing properly

a6- wastes a tempo

nc6- lose material

bf5 nb5 na6- bad square for the knight

You don't really have much going for you here, even if you don't lose material, you will end up with a bad position. I don't see where you other people are coming from. I guess there's just a lot of patzer/trolls on here.


That's funny Adv, I don't recall the basic opening principles saying that you should develop your knight so it blocks your bishop in, I think Nc3, opening up your position and allowing your pieces to develop is much better. If black wants to have none of its pieces develop by playing c6 and Nd7, then go ahead, but I'm pretty certain it is better for your pieces to be allowed to develop so you can attack your enemy.

Tactic, in your first line your bishop becomes trapped in a corner, practically useless. In your second line, white can just take the hanging c pawn from move two. Neither are very good in my humble opinion.


Generally in QP openings, white , and black should play c4/5 before placing thier knight on c3


Yes, but who says that everyone must follow those rules? After Nb5, white is free to move their c-pawn as they please, and has also crippled black's position Cool


yes, but now white has moved two pieces in the opening, and no sane person would allow the fork on c7 so it iis pretty much nullified bvy sanity and a little thing i like to call commmon sense