
The Queenside Fried Liver

The_Gavinator wrote:

nacht, white playing 6 Nc3 is a dummy move. He would play Na3, however a good white player wouldn't put himself in that position anyways.

So what would this "good white player" play instead?

whatupyodog wrote:

Nachtwolf, you are obviously not very good, after na6 no white player who isnt absolute garbage would play nf3, and after a move such as e3 instead, whites position is superior. So, this opening remains unrefuted.


Another reasonable response:


whatupyodog, calling people dumb just because they dissagree with you is not a sign of intelligence, and may be the reason why extraterrestrials avoid this planet. Back to Earth only matters, it was a possible, not probbable middle game, but Black successfully beat back the white attempts at a fork, gained better development, and castled to safety while white floundered about in the hopes of cripling black with the Moronic threat of an early fork that is supposedly undefendable. in addition you have failed to provide a continuation that apears winning for white at the end of the opening, and you have also failed to provide a deviation, so I would not be calling anyone dumb until you provide those and they have been analysed by more than just you.


jetfighter, a 20 move midgame doesn't refute this opening. We never said the fork is undefendable, but the point is black's position suffers whilst defending the fork. The midgame you provided is irrelevant, and has nothing to do with the opening.


Nachtwulf, 4. b4  ,   still unrefuted. Also jetfighter, i am completely disregarding you, you make no point and just played against yourself to try to bash this opening.


nachtwulf, here you go


Nxd3 followed by e6, Bd6 (or Be7 or Bb4), and castles, and black has at least equalized The_Gavinator, which is not what white is looking for out of the opening.


And I would almost always meet Bf4 with c5 anyways.

whatupyodog wrote:

Nachtwulf, 4. b4  ,   still unrefuted. Also jetfighter, i am completely disregarding you, you make no point and just played against yourself to try to bash this opening.

Although it may seem that I can pull lines out of thin air and make some nonsense up, some of these ideas were actually taken from the practitioners of this opening Wink (or rather, the opponents' thereof). I merely spent a little time tweaking the moves of both sides, and was actually ran the results through an engine as well.

P.S. 4. b4 is met by 4. ...cxd4 5. Qxd4 Nc6.

Edit: My bad, I thought the latter comment was directed at me.


after 3..c5 black plays 4 b4

The_Gavinator wrote:

after 3..c5 black plays 4 b4

You know, that anyone could possibly think that is good makes me laugh. Black has easy equality or advantage. cxb4 wins a pawn. cxd4 Qxd4 Nc6 gains tempo. And c4 gets a protected passed pawn. Every possible move is good for black. lol.


To elaborate on why white isn't "just fine",


But Nachtwulf, white has Ke2 and Kd2 lol.


Qb6 Ne2 might be whites only hope. Qxb2 Rb1 or Qa6 Nc1 will follow.


Shepi, you are garbage, shut up you have no reason for what you say. Nacht, white doesnt do qxd4, he does nb5.


My engine says that after b4 black has a -1 advantage.


Also, nacht, white does 9. qc2 not rb1 so on qa6 white can either castle or rd1, so still unrefuted.


Whoops the minus was cut out.