
Female vs. Male Chess Players


It is true that there is much more male than female players, actualy there are around 400 000 active male players, and around 60 000 active female players, but the best answer on this we can get if we take average ratings.

According to the average rating of all male players is: 1775 and average rating of female players is 1576, so it's clearly that male chess players are better than female!


These arguments about having less interests  from girls to play doesn't work. Women have less interests because precisely they are more right brained. The right brains is responsible for immediate analyses, not  anticipation form past experiences, therefore chess becomes boring for women and you end up with less women signing up to your classes.


Stop bringing back this thread. Who cares. Just play chess. 


The main reason why there are less girls than boys playing chess is the inequalities propagated by society, the family upbringing and the school system.  It is unfair and will only change when society starts treating women with more equality and without gender biases.  Theoretically, if you could create a just society where boys and girls believe they can do anything they want just as well, then girls and boys would succeed equally well.


I don't care that men are better at chess. I just play for fun! happy.png

JoshoewaG wrote:

Men are left-brained dominant, which on average gives us superior (albeit only slightly) visio-spatial awareness, logic and puzzle-solving skills. This is only an average of course, and may only be a contributing factor as opposed to a definitive reason, but it's the only explanation I've ever been able to come up with.

P.s. To be precise men aren't left-brained dominant, men use both sides of their brain equally wheras women use the right more and the left less


Brain hemisphere differences aren't really a thing though...


Someone stated as a reason for the discrepancy we are talking about the fact that men's brain are bigger than women's. Although it is true, brain size do not correlate directly with intelligence and probably also has nothing to do with the set of cognitive skills required for one to play chess. I suspect that the most of the gap between genders in chess is due merely to the difference in the numbers of men and women engaged in the game. A biological factor that may play a critical role is the visuo-spatial ability, which is well known to be more developed in males than females.

stuzzicadenti wrote:

Females are just not interested in chess, because generally they are much superior at multi-tasking and seeing the bigger picture of life and what is important, rather than focusing on one specific hobby. For them chess is only a game, not like for many men how chess is practically their whole life and they devote vast amounts of time to it instead of becoming more well rounded individuals.


Feel free to tack on " my opinion" for pretty much every response here. Or "...with not a shred of scientific evidence to back up this statement" if you prefer.

mickynj wrote:

A bunch of amateur male neuroscientists stroking their beardless chins and sharing their deep thoughts about the nature of "women." It's an unintentional comedy show!


Clearest summary of this and all similar threads.


You gotta have a beard or else.


For my part, I'm single-handedly doing my part to close the Ratings Gap between men and women.

ps.  I'm a guy.


if you ask me, having a penis makes you weaker...


depends on where you have it.
