
A Bust In "How to Play Chess Endings"


I was going through "How to Play Chess Endgames" by Karsten Mueller and came to the following position, 2.34 in the book.

The diagram was given





1. Ra1 Kc6!! is given as the amazing saving move 2. Rxa5 Rxa5 3. Nxa5+ Kb6 is given in the book after the fourth move, the author declares that they are unable to find a win for White. I argue that a key pawn break allows White to win


The kingside pawn formation is a well known win for white, im surprised that Mueller didnt see it.

FirebrandX wrote:

Wait a minute. I see the problem. It's a typo. They meant 3...Kc5! draws, not 3...Kb6?? which loses.

I'll check that out.

FirebrandX wrote:

A simple check with the engine shows the position is lost. Perhaps they forgot to blunder-check with an engine in that one. Incidentally, I did the cover art to that book many moons ago.


FirebrandX wrote:

Wait a minute. I see the problem. It's a typo. They meant 3...Kc5! draws, not 3...Kb6?? which loses.

I'm not sure that wins either... I keep getting to positions where we have locked g pawns and White is able to defend his g pawn while White's Kight is able to lose tempos while keeping Black's b pawn at bay. I'll keep looking to see if I am missing anything. Nonetheless your Kc5 is a better defense.