
Checkmate with 2 rooks other ideas


Any Ideas?

Hi bullet!  If this were me, my first move would be hrh5, to trap the dark king on the side of the board with the light king, if the king marches toward the center, then ara4, would be a good move.  If the king marches down or to the left, move your king toward it until he threatens your a rook and move your a rook back.  The easier way to checkmate (though it's longer) would be to play hrh3, ara4, hrh5, ara6, hrh7, ara8#.  If the king threatens one of your rooks, don't protect it with the other rook, just move it to the other side (left or right) of the board, then continue the pattern above.  I probably didn't explain it too clearly, but I hope that helped!


While connected rooks are good during most of play, having one control one rank/file while another controls an adjacent one is the easiest way to checkmate the king.

The goal is to get the king on one side of the board and then use one rook to cut off the second rank/file while the other checkmates.


The fastes check mate is actually accomplished by playing 1. Rh5 as imullica suggested. It is a mate in 5. You can check it out on Nalimov Endgame Tablebases: