
Nasty position for White


White played Qe3 in this position (which resulted in mate in 2). Would Re4+ have been a better move? Or maybe something else? And which color would win this battle in the end? White has more value but lacks position. I'm interested in your opinions! 


I think Rxe4 is the only move which avoids checkmate or queen loss. However after Rxe4 Qxe4 black has a winning position as his rooks are very strong and white has no counterplay. Black pawns in the centre are also mighty and it is not that difficult to create a passer

White pieces are too far away to defend king and passive knights are much weaker than a rook. So despite it might seem white is going to be only a pawn down (when simply counting material) black's positional advantage is really great


White resigns is the best move.


dzikus is right on the money. 24. Rxe4 Qxe4 25. Nf3 is the only hope. But it's still unpleasant to play for white. Also, I see this is from one of your games; a move earlier, running away by 23. Kd1 might have been a better choice. Nice sacrifice you tried there, though.


Thanks everyone for the insight and thanks Remelion for the compliment. I was quite happy with the sacrifice :)