
1000 Signs you play chess too LITTLE!


99. You forfeit after learning you are playing against a rock

100. You protest about getting a bye, considering it unfair

101. You offer a draw after you lost


^^You play the Bongcloud as white and lose like this^^ Hint hint DaBigOne


Reason 102. ^^^^^


103. You study GM games all day long trying to analyze, but when ur up against a 700 rated player you still lose to fools mate as white. You offer a rematch, and then lose to scholars mate as black.

LegoPirate wrote:
Metaknight251 wrote:

90.  You are playing white in the above position and can't figure out how to win and decide to stalemate your opponent before you flag.

Something like that actually happened to me, except my opponent had the extra rook, and he kept trying until he ran out of time. Here is the game:

ur opponent is the biggest noob XD I couldnt believe seeing that game its so sad, i cried XD lol


104. you have a losing streak of 20 games.

LegoPirate wrote:

97. Your opponent feels so sorry for you, they sacrifice everything except their king and one pawn (which they promise they will never promote) and they still win.

Hey! That's ALMOST impossible.

cradon5953 wrote:

^^You play the Bongcloud as white and lose like this^^ Hint hint DaBigOne

Hey! That was already said!

DaBigOne wrote:

93. You try to promote pawn to king

94. When you mention chess, people chuckle

95. Your pieces desert the game you are playing

96. Someone has to not play at all with you to make a fair match

Hey! 93 was already said!


105. You have a queen and a rook vs. a bishop and a knight and you get checkmated. (I won like that in an OTB game when I had the bishop and knight. The position was something like this: 


30s films is the best entertainment!


107. You try to castle off the board


108.  You can't remember what some of the pieces are called, so you call them "horses," "castles," and "pointy-headed guys."

109.  To capture your opponent's pieces, you jump your pieces over them and take them off the board like checkers.

110.  You think you couldn't possibly have lost the game because you still have pieces left on the board.

N2UHC wrote:

108.  You can't remember what some of the pieces are called, so you call them "horses"

Thats an insult to me!

111. You find out that you cannot sac ur king

N2UHC wrote:

108.  You can't remember what some of the pieces are called, so you call them "horses," "castles," and "pointy-headed guys."

109.  To capture your opponent's pieces, you jump your pieces over them and take them off the board like checkers.

110.  You think you couldn't possibly have lost the game because you still have pieces left on the board.

Wait a minute, their not?


112. You've never figured out one of the Sunday puzzles on, even after spending a hour looking at it.


113. You have captured all your opponent's pieces and captured or immobilized all their pawns but you still insist on promoting pawns until you have 4 or 5 queens.


114. You think that the most important endgame for a begginner to learn is N + B + K vs. K


115. You won your first game by switching the colours of the bishops


116. You try to convince your opponent that you can skip your turn.