
A tough loss


Hi, Just played a game against a 2662 rated player...and lost.

Anyone know how I could win?

(I'm black)




It was at best a draw there weren't winning chances for black in that endgame...


It was too hard for black to win that game.


Wow his king dominated.


How about before the end game?

>Any smart people here??


Well winning might be hard:

only thing I see is that 28... Rc7 makes the game more "drawish" I think... b7 is safe.


 He set himself up for a powerful endgame.  Once you saw that he had that endgame potential you should have figured out a way to limit trading, and get an advantage.  Instead you played into his plans.


You lost two pawns in the sequence that began 22. Nxd5 (white sacrified a piece but got it back). Therefore it is worth looking at the moves you made between 18 and 21 and seeing whether you could have saved that pawn.

However, you play well to get back level by move 30. But your rook is passive and then white's king starts to get into the action. The white rook prevents your king doing likewise.

I think white can save his bishop by instead of 39. Kxh6 playing Kg6. If then 39. ... RxB there follows 40. Rd8++ mate.

In the end game you surely need to get your rook behind your a pawn if you are to have any winning chances.

corum wrote:

I think white can save his bishop by instead of 39. Kxh6 playing Kg6. If then 39. ... RxB there follows 40. Rd8++ mate.

In the end game you surely need to get your rook behind your a pawn if you are to have any winning chances.

That would be, if 39. Kg6 then Rg5+ and the bishop could not be saved. 

The black rook was in a bad position in the endgame.


He had the center from the very start. That is tough.


10...c6 was a bit premature in my opinion. I would have played 10...c5. If then 11.dxc6 then 11...bxc6 gives Black the central advantage and a flexible position. if White does not capture, then a queenside expansion is indicated since the dark-squared bishop cannot control the g1-a7 diagonal.

The d5-pawn is not a big problem since a timely e6 should put an end to White's wedge, and give your rooks the half-open f-file.

At least, that's how I see it. The Endgame didn't look good for Black.


you sholud have brought you'reKing and rook closer to there king


25. Qxc2 is the only move that looked weak to me, but then again I didn't check all the other options so maybe it was the best.


Wasn't 24..Qxc2 possible? If 25.Rxd7 Qxd1+ wins and if 25.Qxc2 Rxc2 26. Bb6 then Re8! with a back rank threat is good for Black.

It even seems possible to follow up 25. Rbxb7 with Re8 and if Rdxd7 to play Bxb2

deadlyduck wrote:

Wasn't 24..Qxc2 possible? If 25.Rxd7 Qxd1+ wins and if 25.Qxc2 Rxc2 26. Bb6 then Re8! with a back rank threat is good for Black.

It even seems possible to follow up 25. Rbxb7 with Re8 and if Rdxd7 to play Bxb2

The problem with 24..Qxc2 is that after an exchange of queens, white could play 25..Rd3, that would win cause after Rc7 white could play Bb6..

But nice try, thanks ;)


Btw, the name of the opponent was Vovuha..his rating is pretty high now :P


The problem with 24..Qxc2 is that after an exchange of queens, white could play 25..Rd3, that would win cause after Rc7 white could play Bb6..

But after Rbd3 couldn't Black return material with ..Rxb2 when

(a) Rxd7 Rxd7 Rxd7 Rb5, intending to meet Bb6 with Bc3 when Rxb7 is met by Bxa5 or

(b) Bb6 Re8! reopens the back-rank threat and is followed on by Nxb6

Material in each line is equal and the position is probably holdable by Black.


Nice game, i liked how you handled the pirc in the middlegame. Anyway i wanna say something about the endgame if you don't mind.

After 28. ... Bxb2(it is natural to take the pawn and the computer plays it too), but the problem is you get very passive now and are lost in a few moves. Once his rook is on the 7e line with your king behind, his bishop on b6 and you rook on b8? (i would never put a rook so passive in the endgame) the game is unplayable for black.

Imo a more human like way of playing is to try for example this defends:

28... Rc7 29. Bb6 Rf7 . The idea is to keep the  7 row under control and use the black rook to threaten the white king when he comes to the centre.

30. b3 Kf8 31. Kf2 Ke8 32. Ke3 Re7+ and imo you got a better chance.


thanks TwistedLogic..I need to study this game more tomorrow.. am too tired at the moment :S


Did you find the answer Moony?, I think the endgame was all White, the middle exploded when that Knight of his sacrificed himself. And I think from then on, it's all White.