
Annoyed and frustrated (at myself)


Of course this is not new blowing it up. I was white here but how to convert to a win is my question?



What critical errors did i make? What was a better decision at each stage?


22 bxc5

There is no mate although you open up the b-file. Possible follow up is he takes your rook on b-file, the you can do Nxd7 threatening both rooks. Basically you end up in a Queen, Knight, Rook vs Rook, Rook, Bishop. 

Well, and in the end, that was a mess up. You could have just moved up a pawn of the King's side to avoid checkmate. 2 Rooks vs Bishop and Rook is still a win position.


You were completely won until you hung the rook. Moreover, try putting your rooks on the seventh rank in rook endings as soon as you can. It will mean that there is no safe place to hide for his pawns. Oh, and don't hang pieces =P


well if i were in this position i would have played 16. nf6 gf6 17 nd2 and if black takes the b pawn he loses his rook. The Knight on d2 will prepare Nc4 then f4 with an attack on black king.


May I ask, what time control was that game played at?

My son might be at a comparable level of play and for me it's hard to find out how I can help him avoid falling to obvious threats. A check list may help at first, like:

Check every single square that any of the opponents pieces can move to.

When considering capturing sequences, make sure to count the pieces involved as to be clear on who will finally have control.


In your particular game at some point the queen could be taken for a rook. It did not happen because obviously you thought, after the rook took your rook, recapturing was the only option. It wasn't. (21. ....)


Hey d4devilx, nicely played game for the most part. You missed of course the free queen, as well as the hanging rook (you hung it on the last move), however, no real critical mistakes were made. Your opening was a bit out of the ordinary though. 


Vultureway, tell him once hes chosen what move he would like to make to play it in his head. Then he should analyse all the opponents checks, captures and threats in that order.

Arutha_19 wrote:

Vultureway, tell him once hes chosen what move he would like to make to play it in his head. Then he should analyse all the opponents checks, captures and threats in that order.

Thar be some cunning advice.