
Can you give me some ideas on plans in this game?


This is a game I played with white against the philidor defense. 1..e6 is supposed to be passive and not very good, at my level this doesn't mean much. I really didn't have a clue what to do so I did something with my rook and it just looks lame, no attack on the kingside. I should have played positionally but I just can't. Eventually won it on tactics.

I'm really stagnating and it's frustrating. Going to do some chessmentor.


he just walks into check mate


well you could anylize it


i think my comment glitched


The idea of Bd7 is obviously to play Nc6, so you can already begin to strategize about where to put your pieces. I for one would not play 5. Bc4, as after Nc6 a later Ne5 will attack your bishop. Perhaps Nc3 intending to delay the development of the light squared bishop is more natural. On checking the databases c4 is another interesting option, intending to maintain a sort of maroczy bind.

After Nc6 I already like white's position less than a move before, you can either play Nxc6 Bxc6 with extremely annoying pressure on e4 or you can castle (which I believe is better., which after Nf6  Nc3 Be7 black can already castle, and he might throw in Ne5 Bb3 somewhere. White still should have an advantage though. I would be worried about playing f4 yet unless I had calculated all of the variations exactly as it weakens your king.

Next, I don't like Bg5 at all, it plans to surrender the bishop pair in an open position, which doesn't seem natural to me. I would have prefered Nc3, intending to slowly prepare an advance with f4. I believe your opponent should have played 8...h6. Bxf6 Qxf6 f4 Nc6 seems like very natural play from black, who will soon castle to either side of the board.

f4 seems premature as it weakens e3 too much, perhaps some preparation was needed. Qd2 or h3 seem logical, aiming to better cover e3 or g4. Qd2 also connects the rooks, but might allow black to exchange some pieces.

I don't like Bxf6, maybe Qd2 is better? But already black's pices are becoming more active, he now has the bishop pair and you have a few dark square weaknesses to worry about as you advance. Remember that every pawn move gives up squares, and you can never take one back.

I don't like Bxf6 leaving the knight akwardly placed, and I really don't like c5.

Instead of Rg3, h3 was also another option, I personally like it more but it's your choice, black's g4 knight has run out of squares except the poor position on h6.

Your opponent decides to give up two pieces for a rook, which is a losing mistake, but he had already ruined his position enough with moves like Bxf6 and c5.

Qc2 is not a good move - the dark squared bishop is black's worst piece and you should not allow him to trade it. Nf5 leaves black wondering how to save his material, if Bf6 then Nxf6 Qxf6 Qxd6 wins another pawn, although it might even be better just to maintain your great position and all of your material advantage.

g6 - he's so worried about the light squares his willing to weaken dark squares.

Kh6 is just stupid, and he doesn't even try to bail out with g5 Rh1+ Kg6 Bh5+ Kh6 Bxe8#. He also has to worry about b6 and f6 if he hadn't gotten mated, you were completely winning, despite some opening problems.

You played better than I usually do though, I usually

a) reach hopelessly lost positions by move 10, and somehow draw

b) Reach great positions by move 10, and offer a draw to my opponents who then accept.

c) Lose horribly, either from a hopelessly lost position I can't manage to draw or from a great position I blunder away Laughing

Mr_Spocky wrote:

well you could anylize it

I'm really bad at looking at unforced moves


I actually thought about c4 during the game, I don't know what put me off it


You should play 11. Qf3 instead 11. Bxf6? Then there was attack h3, Bxh6 by chance, if Black would play 11. Qf3 Ne8 then h3, g4.

Good game.


11... Ne8 can't be good, black should probably consider 11...h6 12. Bh4 and then either 12...Nh7 or 12...g5!? 13. fxg5 Ne5 which is interesting.


KuzmickiMarek beat me to it.  You should have tried 11.Qf3 as 11.Bxf6? gets rid of a bishop for knight as well as trades down while you have space.  10.f4 it's great having extra control over the center and attacking potential so it's a seemingly reasonable move, but it allows the knight to jump to a more active square closer to your territory and as someone mentions weakens e3. 

12...c5 left a huge weakness on d5, so it's good you exploited the hole.  12.Rf3 looks unusual and blocks the queen, but it's also dreaming of an attack where black has resources to defend against.


I'd personally try castling queenside and setting up a Yugoslavish attack position with pawns on f3,g4,e4 and maybe h4 when the time is right and support the pawns with pieces.  I'm not familiar with the Philidor so maybe it isn't the best plan. 


To shepi 12. ...g5 13. h3 anyway. Interesting indeed.