
Greek Gift with Knight on e7


Hi, I'd like some thoughts on a recent game I played where I for the first time played the greek gift with a knight on e7. Without the knight the greek gift generally wins the game or mates depending on your opponents responses.


Now it seems that if the king moves to the back rank after the first knight check it is a win/draw situation for white. I now wonder:

1. Is there any way to remove the e7 knight before the attack somehow?

2. Does the greek gift win even when the king goes to g6 after the first knight check (wich is best move afaik for black in that situation, wich is not what black played in my game)

3. Other thoughts? Is this garbage or worth trying even if the knight is on e7?


tonydal is correct, the attack resourses white has are more than enough to destroy black with a knight on e7, I won numerous blitz games against french (or just foolish) players with the greek gift with knights on e7 instead of h6, most players just don't seem to grasp the difference and think Ne7 is better than Nh6 in the French. not that greek gifts only apear in the french opening, but they are frequent there...


Ah, now I see it. Ba3, brilliant. Thanks.