
Please promote this pawn...!!!


This was the game I recently played .Please analyse this game and give me tips to improve my chess skills and give the way to promote this pawn.This game was drawn by agreement.I am weak in rook-pawn endings.


With best play this is a draw according to Stockfish, the second best engine in the world.


Why not exchange the advanced pawn for another pawn, and stay a pawn ahead?

41. Rh8

   41...Rxc7 42. Rxh6+ Kg7 43. Rd6 and you start trying to promote a pawn all over again.

   41...Kg7?? 42. c8=Q Rxc8 43. Rxc8 and White wins.

P.S.--The 3rd recommended move in the Philidor is 3. d4. Then if Black plays 3...Bg4, he's in serious trouble!



This is my insight, I know it's not the best commentary (not high level) but it's what I can do, please remmember some of the ideas. Also If you want me to commentate another game feel free to ask.


Thanks for everyone