
There had to have been a mate somewhere...


I would like some help in analyzing where i went wrong with this game. I was trying to find a mate somewhere, so I just kept putting my opponent in check. After awhile, I couldn't find it, and ended up losing. Does somebody see one somwhere?


Forced checkmate is really hard to come by in the middlegame. I don't see a checkmate after 3...Ke7, but I do see ways to win material and attain a comfortable position, (verybadbishop posted the best continuation) which is all you usually need to win anyway. I rarely get stylish checkmates involving sacrifices, 'cause I don't sacifice pieces unless I know for sure it's worth it.

I was analyzing your game, and noticed after way too long that you could have swapped his queen for your rook many times, but you instead tried to go directly for checkmate. Case in point.


yere30 after 1.Bd3+ Qxd3 is best for black, black can last longer. 


yes it does, plug in your computer and you'll see. 

kco wrote:

yes it does, plug in your computer and you'll see. 

if u need tech. for chess help.....u learn little.(Bicarbonatofsoda position), re1+,kd7,rxb+,kc8,rxq+,rxr.qxap+,rb7, pc6


......Guys, the point I think he's making is that winning the opponent's queen leads to checkmate, but It takes many moves to do so, as is usually the case when you go up material. Thus, you need a computer to find the very fastest checkmate.


Computer analysis indeed shows mate at some points. But at an earlier stage some, easy to find, good moves where missed which would have lead to a win without the need to find a (more difficult to find) mate.


I think more important is to understand that 4.Rfe1+ simply wins, whether you manage to calculate the mate at that point or not.

And earlier 3.Bxg6 is the natural move, attacking both f7 and Bd5.


i can relate to this player. He feels like mate is near and smells blood. Love the feeling of winning by mate.

Math0t wrote:

I think more important is to understand that 4.Rfe1+ simply wins, whether you manage to calculate the mate at that point or not.

And earlier 3.Bxg6 is the natural move, attacking both f7 and Bd5.



mod: please watch your language


If the moves that lead to mate exceed the moves that lead to resignation, which is more efficient?  I suspect the purists will still say forced mate lines because that is something that is directly in their control (resignation is your opponent's choice), but I may be a low level dude because of my more relaxed position on the matter.

Bicarbonatofsoda wrote:

Oh dear!  I'm sorry I crashed this party!

Chess players are an eccentric lot.  Not unlike people who take their pets to compete in Cat Shows.

Thanks for "the final solution," @Bicarb.

Great Avatar, as well.  Laughing


So do I, Apple-Headed Blue Point Siamese Cats, make wonderful companions.

The OP apparently hunts mice, as well.  Small world. 

zborg wrote:

Another case of the moronic quest for cheap mating thrills causing you to pass over MANY winning lines.

Great thinking Brainiac.  One and half pawns is a Winning Advantage.  All you need is to convert it.  Instead, you pass up multiple chances for a 5 or 10 point advantage, because you wanted a flashy mate?

And you brag about it in the forums? That's another reason why your rating in the cellar.  What a numb-nuts you are.

Sorry but, was this directed at me?


Do not worry about that at all.

zborg wrote:

Another case of the moronic...


I think Eats_Mice just focused to much on the mate, causing him to overlook the obvious.

Math0t wrote:
zborg wrote:

Another case of the moronic...


I think Eats_Mice just focused to much on the mate, causing him to overlook the obvious.

Agree completely.  @TheMiceEater was focused on "the hole in the doughnut," instead of just winning the game, safely.  His loss.

As per Anatoly Karpov, in his new book, Find the Right Plan, (2010) -- the Fundamental Law of Chess is -- "to restrict the mobility of your opponents pieces" (direct quote).

And don't lose, too.  Smile

royalbishop wrote:

Looks like this party will not end till the mate is found.

I like it.

@Bicarb has already provided "the solution."

Are you too lazy to actually read this thread, @YourRoyalAssBishop?

No surprises there.