
We need more amateurs to post their annotated games.

A game I played last week at my local chess club. * I was playing the black pieces
1/2 - 1/2
Tmb86 wrote:

Maybe equality with 6.Nc3, PorlandPatzer, but 6.Bc4 followed by Qb3 leads to an advantage for white I believe. Fischer's comments in the game I posted above would support this view.

True Fischer's line supporting 6. Bc4 and 7. Qb3 is a great line but i have not had the opportunity to play it. Perhaps I will look into it later. I have been looking at some of John Nunn's assessments to the Philidor as well since i seem to face this quite a bit in match play here though not so much in OTB play.

SchakerTim wrote:
A game I played last week at my local chess club.
1/2 - 1/2

Nice play. I also like some of the lines that arise from the b5 pawn advance but these are not timid lnes to play for Black.


In that case I thoroughly recommend that line, vengeance. It is quite hard to get an uncomfortable game from that position.

learnateverygame wrote:

nice game ! I haven't been here for a while, but as I can see, you play well vengence. I think his blunder was Kxf6, where gxf6 was not as losing. I can see black had some chances to play on either wing, as the pawns can be set on dark squares and the knight may have some opportunities in the future.

after 9... Nc6, I was thinking of a dominant knight on d5, and dead bishop on d6. So what I can suggest for a plan is :

1. remove the 2 knights with bishops.

2. securing the d5 outpost, so maybe I try to eliminate or move the c pawn away.

3. maybe 10.Bg5 with Nd5 to follow seems strong enough


I didn't check with engine, but that's an outline of what I think might work.

tell me what you think you do.

10. Bg5 struck me as an idea but then it just gives Black an excuse to play 10... h6 with the  open g-file for the Rooks to play on for example, 10. Bg5 h6 11. Bxf6 gxf6 12. Nd5 and White should win the pawn but why give Black any room to breathe even though material continues to accrue? Still it is a very solid plan as most would likely resign at that point with no checks or counter play available to them.

I believe one of the reasons I did not simply go for simplification was that my pieces had better scope here and exchanges to a point would favor the defender. Still, I do like the Bg5 line very much. Chalk it up to tunnel vision there.


First of a pair of correspondence games (3dy/move). if someone could help me out with the opening played here, i would appreciate it very much.


Second game in the TM at same controls.


Open challenge at 3 dy/move controls. The ending is very nice here.

I credit my opponent for toughing it out through the position to the end. I hope he was able to learn some ideas that help him in further matches here.

vengence69 wrote:

Second game in the TM at same controls.


Very very nice! Reminds me of some games I played in live chess as white against Phillidor :) 10|0



vengence, i always take the knight with the queen on move 5 instead of gxf3. look up morphy's famous opera house game he takes with the queen as welll


This week I won my first game against a titled player... a FIDE Master.


Computer analysis indicates this is the worst chess game ever played half the moves are bad (18/36). I was wondering about the opening also enjoy the blunderfest (or cringe whatever your normal reaction to them is). 

EliasAStern wrote:

vengence, i always take the knight with the queen on move 5 instead of gxf3. look up morphy's famous opera house game he takes with the queen as welll

I have played the 5. Qxf3 line and have found there are some interesting games to the opening at this point as well. Morphy's game theory was ahead of his time when he played though a lot of his ideas are being constantly reevaluated and updated. Still, the 5. Qxf3 lines are some good chess to look into as well. They provide for some good tactical play for both sides should Black decline the d4 pawn as in 3... exd4 lines which give White a definite advantage if he is allowed to develop freely.


White can follow up 5. Qxf3 dxe5 with 6. Bc4 Nf6 7. Qb3 and White is hitting at the b7 and f7 pawns here as well though I am uncertain this is the line that morphy employed or not but this is looking to go OT from the games. Perhaps a thread on the different lines of the C41 Philidor is in order?


Scottrf, wasn't the previous game a draw? ;)


I really don't know what to say more, you gave all the lines :)

And just a reminder, the last line is (imo) worth of it just about 5-7 moves, then comp usually mess up something.

Very nice game! :)


We've played quite a few games now, I'm +4-3=4, this is older than the draw, newest one is here:

but I haven't analysed much after playing (and to be honest quite a lot of lines are picked from the database).



I think Black might have got some good play if you took on g3 at move 20 with 20... Bxg3 since the King pawn is isolated though the Rook is behind it. I perhaps would have ceded the Bishops pair at this point and worked with the LSB/Knight combo in the ending though that is simply a matter of taste as those endings are a bit tricky.

Though anti-thematic, perhaps there was some way to get h5 in here but i am uncertain where or how that would have been feasible.

As White, I like to set up a KIA against the Caro-Kann then with the d5 move, I can get into an interesting Advance variation where Black has to play carefully since the move orders are slightly different and the LSB will be on g2 waiting to enter the fray. It is an odd handling but I have played really well in OTB matches with this against several strong friends and done well, in fact, my sparring partner plays this line as well. Though since this was a thematic match, this line could not be adopted safely I do not think.

Still, aside from the h5 move on White, you had a nice game here.


Brief entry on a nice correspondence game that could have gone either way if opponent had not flagged.

Great match played even though my opponent ran out of time here.

Another game with an opening and endgame I would like some help understanding.