
exchange sac


I realize this game isnt perfect but i hope youll enjoy it. it was a good game. any feedback or insight will be appreciated.


I don't think the exchange sac was necessary or good.  It worked out for you because your opponent didn't know how to connect his rooks to make use of his material advantage. The simple 37 Ree1 would have been a good start.

35.. Bd5 for you would have been better.


19.Nxf2+ wins you a R and a P for the N; I think you'd forgotten your DSB on a7. You also missed a free pawn on move 17, Nxe4.


I. Can't believe I missed those Bouncing check, thanks for pointing them out. Notmtwain idk how Ree1 helps white or stops whAt I did. Personally I love the move because it switches who's attacking and who's defending.

dart11112 wrote:

I. Can't believe I missed those Bouncing check, thanks for pointing them out. Notmtwain idk how Ree1 helps white or stops whAt I did. Personally I love the move because it switches who's attacking and who's defending.

After the doubling of rooks forces the trade of rooks or forces black to abandon the d file, it is black that has to fight for the draw, not the other way around, as happened in your game.




Maybe here the exchange sac wasnt good but there is something very many chess players dont understand: Its about the possibilities of a piece not about their theoretical worth. In some positions a bishop is much better than a rook!


After move 12 when yr bishop was on Bg3 If you had placed this Bishop to Bf2 You had a good diagonal for checkmate