
How to play against patzers


It's simple really. just drag them kicking and screaming into and endgame. Then, when they're just starting to accept the fact that they will have to engage in that battle of "whoever promotes their pawn first wins", you back rank checkmate them (usally with a lot of sacs to lure them in.

Here's an example:


Jerk. Hopefully it was a joke.

In my opinion the key is actually to avoid the temptation to alter your play and instead play how you normally play; if you do so, you have the best shot of performing near your rating, and in doing so you should be able to count on beating someone performing at a much lower level.


You are three pawns down on the queenside, trying to exchange to an endgame... and the other guy is the patzer?

Maybe its Haywood again.


There we go. That's a good patzer. No develop the rest of your pieces, boy!


Pretty smug for a bloke that's flat out losing at this point (after 14. .... Nxc5). Your (very slight) lead in development is insufficient compensation for being three pawns down. 


Congratulations on that queen trap!


Who was the patzer again? I'm not really reading it but I assume Black.  Hey, it happens, just one tactical shot and the game can be over if you miss it.  You were doing great until Rxa4? Sometimes, it's okay to be greedy - especially if he's giving you such a wonderful prize with three pawns! Just keep that back rank defended and you'll be all over that patzer next time.


Its funny cause they're both patzers..


Had he removed the threat of backrank you would've been toast!



PrawnEatsPrawn wrote:

There we go. That's a good patzer. No develop the rest of your pieces, boy!


Pretty smug for a bloke that's flat out losing at this point (after 14. .... Nxc5). Your (very slight) lead in development is insufficient compensation for being three pawns down. 

Hmmm, where's winerkleiner?  Chalk one up for smugness among lower rated players....

TheGrobe wrote:

Hmmm, where's winerkleiner?  Chalk one up for smugness among lower rated players....

Come on that had to be a joke, right?


Good lord man! You would have been killed if he didn't blunder the game away and give you the back rank mate.


You were losing the entire game!


Sure, but that's how you play against patzers.


Um, how is it a queen trap when he gets to trade queens?  Great positive atitude too! 

Archaic71 wrote:

Um, how is it a queen trap when he gets to trade queens?

Thank you! It isn't a trap, since both queens got off the board...the definition of irony could possibly be a 1381 calling someone else a patzer. Pshaw.

Noobiest wrote: Thank you! It isn't a trap, since both queens got off the board...the definition of irony could possibly be a 1381 calling someone else a patzer. Pshaw.


EDIT: Oh, it is 1381 - sorry about that; I was looking at the game.


your a patzer yourself


I wouldn't go bragging about that win. Without your opponents blunder of Rxa4 you are very clearly in a lost position. You didn't really have any hope other than him blundering and fortunately for you you were up against someone who allowed such a thing and the fact you got into such a bad position vs someone who falls for things like that says a lot about your style of play.


Sorry if I sound like an ass. Normally I try not to piss on other players for not playing as strongly as I do, b/c I know there are thousands of stronger players out there than I. However when one of them is talking smack, the gloves come off.


26. Kf1  Nb6
27. Ra6
and white gains another knight and is threatening a back rank of their own...