
Shubham's Immortal! BEAUTY DISCLAIMER!!


This is one of my recent games in which i first sacrificed the exchange for 2 pawns and a good position, and then began a king hunt, bringing the king to my half of the board!!


Please check my calculations and post your thoughts on this!!


Great game! Your exchange sac looks good.

The only criticism I have is that 21...e5 22.Kg5 Be7+ 23.Kh6 Qf8# is one move faster, but this doesn't matter at all! Laughing




12. .. Rxf3  is realy a good move, turning point of game.

Keep it up Shubham Smile




Be7? is incorrect. a6 probably equalizes.

g6 looks stupid, makes his time wasting h4-h5 actually have a point.


shepi 13 i agree, i played it just like that :P youre right about Be7, i lose a tempo


Also, hxg6 capturing towards the center is more natural (and keeping e6 better defended), and Nh5 cannot be correct. However, Rxf3 seems completely sound and probably winning.

shepi13 wrote:

Also, hxg6 capturing towards the center is more natural (and keeping e6 better defended), and Nh5 cannot be correct. However, Rxf3 seems completely sound and probably winning.

agreed with the rest however i think hxg6 is a bad move completely opening the h-file where the king is as opposed to semi opening the f-file where blacks rook is fxg6 seems like a much better move


I didn't say it was best in that position, just most natural. You almost always want to play hxg6 unless forced to play fxg6 for tactical reasons.


shepi 13, you missed mate like 3 - 4 times in the variation.... i played fxg6 so that i can play Nh5 - Rxf3... i planned it 2 - 3 moves back. this was the purpose of Nh5


My variation was the one with hxg6 Ne5 Re8 Qf3 Bf8 Qh3 Bg7, when black is fine. The one with the missed mates is copied from a previous post that was suggesting fxg6.

Nh5 just hangs the d pawn, and after that I don't know if Rxf3 is as strong.


Nh5 cannot be good, it is a one move threat. Hangs the d pawn (cxd5 exd5 Nxd5 Qxd5?? Bc4 +-), provokes an exchange sac from white with Rxh5, and puts a knight on the rim just to make a one move threat that can be defended against by moves like Be3 or Be2.

shepi13 wrote:

yes but why give white all that intiative? just so you can prove that you have a good defense?

MelvinDoucet wrote:
blasterdragon wrote:

i said in my post that these were not the best moves from each side i was just giving an example of an attack and intitive which white can get for free

blasterdragon wrote:
shepi13 wrote:

yes but why give white all that intiative? just so you can prove that you have a good defense?

To avoid weakening two different diagonals to your king, to avoid weakening e6 and d5, and it is more natural to capture towards the center. And Re8 Bf8-g7 isn't just defensive, it also seems to give black a rather solid position and white doesn't seem to have much initiative.

shepi13 wrote:
blasterdragon wrote:
shepi13 wrote:

yes but why give white all that intiative? just so you can prove that you have a good defense?

To avoid weakening two different diagonals to your king, to avoid weakening e6 and d5, and it is more natural to capture towards the center. And Re8 Bf8-g7 isn't just defensive, it also seems to give black a rather solid position and white doesn't seem to have much initiative.

but that all seems redundant about opening the diagonals when you are opening the h-file to your own castle and yes black looks solid but white can build up an attack while blacks pieces are tied down to defending his king


The position after 12... Bg7 looks very comfortable for black. White has no attack and it is unclear where white will put his king. Instead, after 9...fxg6 black has to worry about tactics on d5, the e file opening with threats against e6, the a2-g8 diagonal (and a1-g7 diagonal), and still the h file, so white can claim an advantage (or at least more practical chances).