
Another dilema: the trade of the fianchetto bishop for the rook


In the Leningrad it's usually a terrible idea, the queen will likely recapture on a1 leaving you with terribly weak squares around the king while bishops have open lines wheras the rooks don't. 

TheGreatOogieBoogie wrote:

In the Leningrad it's usually a terrible idea, the queen will likely recapture on a1 leaving you with terribly weak squares around the king while bishops have open lines wheras the rooks don't. 

if your queen is on g7 (which it normally isn't)

then you're ok, if your queen is guarding those squares. but then again, it always depends on the position *sight another generic answer*

66joeydonut wrote:
ponz111 wrote:

It is almost always correct to trade your fianchetto bishop for a rook on a1.

 There are exceptions as with any chess rule.

there are very few times when i would trade, all of these are red flags.  

1. their rook is undeveloped

2. they have their queen and bishop of same color and you will castle on the side where the bishop was

also the bishop has amazing scope and is worth more than a rook, maybe even a queen

maybe even a queen?  LOL


Yeah what nonsense.

thunder_tiger123 wrote:
TheGreatOogieBoogie wrote:

In the Leningrad it's usually a terrible idea, the queen will likely recapture on a1 leaving you with terribly weak squares around the king while bishops have open lines wheras the rooks don't. 

if your queen is on g7 (which it normally isn't)

then you're ok, if your queen is guarding those squares. but then again, it always depends on the position *sight another generic answer*

No I meant white's queen will recapture on a1.  If 20...Bxa1 then 21.Qxa1 for example.  The queen usually goes to e8 in the Leningrad to support an e5 push and white prevents such a push.  Or the push comes anyway, white captures en passant, and some minor pieces take on e6.



That's it! That is the kind of position that I had in mind when I started to write here. Thanks for posting it.

 As you said: in optimal moves, this should be a draw. I also engine check this particular position and it is equal (0.00 with stockfish depth 27). 

But what about playing this positions with our normal human moves? That's the thing that I trully don't know. For instance, sometimes the engine recomended to had played 2 squares the center pawn of the castled king. Sure, it would be a good move, the optimal. But we are humans, and we don't play that good. And in those positions we don't play like that. Right?


yeah, but you just memorize engine moves so you don't need to play that well, just need a good memory.