




I think it depends on the venue. I've had players drum their fingers on the table in OTB chess when that obviously wouldn't be an issue in Internet chess. Walking away from the board may be bad form in live chess on the Internet but is no problem for me in OTB chess.

The best answer I can think of is anything that would annoy you is something you shouldn't do to your opponent (using the general "you" here to refer to anyone, not you in particular:)


Shaking hands before and after a game is pretty standard in OTB chess.


Actually, my biggest pet peeve in OTB tournaments is when players seated next to me finished their game and started analyzing it right at the table. It's happened twice and can be very annoying if you're short on time (as I always seem to be.) But you can get caught up in the excitement of a good game that just ended and forget the players around you. I've done it at least once so shouldn't get annoyed when other people do it:)


Yes, I seem to recall Kramnik and Topalov's refusal to shake hands created quite a stir in the chess press a few years ago


There are of course the more obvious things like "Don't talk to your opponent during the game," "Leave your phone outside the playing venue," etc. which have been integrated into the official rules of competition.


I don't think anyone has the right to tell another player to resign, regardless of the position. I'll almost always resign if the position is hopeless (the rare times I wouldn't is if a legitimate chance of stalemate was possible) but I don't get annoyed at all if my opponent plays on in "lost" positions. It might get annoying if he/she took the full three days to make a move in games like that, but that's never happened to me and I doubt it'd bother me, unless I was already upset about something else:)

White_Walker wrote:

Nobody has mentioned chess etiquette in regards to resignation.  I try not to resign at all unless the opponent is prolonging the game by taking every piece without attemping to play a decent endgame.  I wouldn't want someone to resign on me just before I put them in mate.  And out of respect I play games out even when the odds are against me so others can develop their endgame skills.  Who knows I might even get stalemate.  Any thoughts members?

I'd take resignation any day, whether it's 5 turns into the game or 2 moves from mate, as long as they shake my hand at the end.  I would hardly care if I did not get the satisfaction of delivering checkmate as long as my opponent acknowledged their defeat (signaled by the declaration of resignation).  If it gives you any solace, you can always deliver mate after the game has ended, moving pieces on both sides.  Dwelling on petty details such as whether or not mate was reached seems rather immature.



TMIMITW wrote:


Yes, but this is a thread on etiquette in general, not like that other thread where OP was just ranting about their opponents resigning right before mate.  That was annoying.


At least it's not another stalemate thread, right?


My comments might sound a little existentialfor a serious venue like this but here goes. It's just a game.If someone doesn't shake your hand they are alittle upset or Mabee they had a bad day or Mabee their life sucks right now,divorce, lost a job etc., We have all been there,cut em some slack Mabee.As far as resigning goes I'll resign sometimes if I loose a pawn,just don't feel like playing catch-up sometimes.Let's lighten up a little afterall it's just a game and there's a lot more important things in life I would think!!


Read Ben Franklin's article on the subject. And use common sense for anything he doesn't cover, like not banging down hard on someone else's chess clock or chess set or throwing temper tamptrums when you lose. Not to imply that your the kind of person who would do this stuff but chess does seem to bring out the worst in some of us at any rate, maybe because there's a lot of ego involved in winning and losing (at least for some people)