
Forum Posting... a SPORT?!


This is something that I believe is absurd.  I consider a sport (and I'm sure a lot of you as well), consider a sport to be a competitive game which is directly physical.  This could not be further from the truth in forum posting.  If someone was a scrawny kid with a chip on their shoulder, lived in their mom's basement subsisting only on pizza pops and fluorescent lighting, but was extremely belligerent and just copied old threads, they could win the World Title in theory.  Can someone please explain why they think forum posting is a sport?


Because it requires hand-eye co-ordination?!


Mmm... pizza pops


See, and ozzie's titled!


The parodying must stop, and is getting old.


And there is no "world title" in forum posting.



Haha -- I'm out in front again.


Extreme Forum Posting:



The Sport of Kings!


(and goldendog)


What, no penguin?! It's an outrage!

TheGrobe wrote:


Haha -- I'm out in front again.

This is not a Most Posts thread.  That was a one-time thing.


You're good, my friend, but my pizza pops are Deluxe and my lighting full spectrum.


We have traveled from the absurd to the ridiculous with this thread. ( Incidentally, your profile of a forum poster in the first post is probably accurate for 40-50% of the trolls.) 

checkmateibeatu wrote:
TheGrobe wrote:


Haha -- I'm out in front again.

Baaaaaa! Baaaaaaa! Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


I hear you, dude.


* Readies a jar of mint sauce *

checkmateibeatu wrote:
TheGrobe wrote:


Haha -- I'm out in front again.

This is not a Most Posts thread.  That was a one-time thing.


Hmmm, judges: does quoting yourself count?

TheGrobe wrote:

Hmmm, judges: does quoting yourself count?


It counts for an extra member point.


It is a competative activity which requires years of dedicated training and practice in which to be even moderately good. The notion of there needing to be a physical component to a sport is a common, but relatively modern, convention. "Sport" not long ago used to mean any divirting activity. Falconry, for example, is known as the "sport of kings."

Ultimately if you choose to consider it a sport or not is an entirely personal thing. The only way you could go wrong would be in getting into a semantic argument with others insisting that it is or is not a sport on definitional grounds. The reason this would be a mistake is that based on various definitions of the word "sport" as expressed in the OED, it qualifies. So there is no semantic basis for dissallowing the inclussion of [forum posting] in the category of "sports" (though including it is rather old-fashioned).


(i love thegrobe)

1pawndown wrote:

We have traveled from the absurd to the ridiculous with this thread. ( Incidentally, your profile of a forum poster in the first post is probably accurate for 40-50% of the trolls.) 

A lot of people have continued to say that I am a troll (I am not), even though I had told people otherwise many times.  So here you go:

I am not a troll

Yo no soy un troll

Je ne suis pas un troll

Ich bin kein Troll

Je ne suis pas un troll

JE NEレンサPAS UNトロール

JE NE豬 PAS聯合國巨魔

JE NE猪PAS联合国巨魔

Je Ne суис па ООН тролль

 JE NE PAS الخنزيرية الامم المتحدة بالشص


or should i say, i lobe thegrobe?

TheGrobe wrote:

Hmmm, judges: does quoting yourself count?

I was quoting myself to show what I really said, rather than what Prawn misquoted it as.