
Poor sportsmanship


Really love this site generally, and since this is the first time I have ever really looked at this forum and posted forgive me if I am covering "old ground" for many of you, but I have a couple of pet peeves. First, why do so many people just quit on games when they know they are beaten? Is the ego so fragile that striking back by just waiting until the game is "abandoned" or time runs out is really that preferrable to resigning or allowing the inevitable checkmate? Then, after a game is over and I challenge to a new game why just sit remain on the page without either accepting or declining the invitation? Like I said, I generally love this site but those 2 aspects to it are really annoying.


I rarely ever meet someone who lets the time run out due a lost game, or leave a game without resigning in a lost game. Maybe you were just unlucky or in elo hell.

Not everyone remains seated after a finished game. Especially if those games had a decent time control: getting a drink, bathroom, you name it.

And on a side note, I barely ever rematch a guy which I lost to (although I do decline it). And I think more people think alike. If you do not want to wait any longer, just revoke your request and start a new one.


That's what I do (revoke request and start anew), I guess I just expect the common courtesy I offer. Doesn't seem to be unreasonable to click "decline". And it happens to me all the time with regard to just letting time run out or leaving when a loss is inevitable.


Win game. Don't rematch.


Okay, just played against one who did let the timer run out. However, his position was lost, so he was might thinking how to handle the situation (however thinking 2 full minutes in a 10 minute each side game is quite long for one move).


Online Courtesy is an oxymoron.   Though in your case,  you seem to "prefer" some reaction and them ignoring you seems to be the problem.  I would say this is par for the course on any chess server and you pretty much end up getting used to it.

You will have even more charming moments playing specimens online that you almost wish you were rather playing against an engine. :)


I don't prefer a reaction. I prefer basic manners. It seems that most on here are saying "people are generally not considerate." I agree with that, but that doesn't mean it is less troublesome. That is the reason for social graces in general, that they help provide oil in the rough spots of life. Unfortunately, it is true that most people now make things more difficult rather than less. Oh well, I can dream I guess.


They sit there and hope you go away and then move so that you lose the game on time.

EricFleet wrote:

Win game. Don't rematch.

Excellent advice.  Particularly the winning part.  I find that winning through a surprise checkmate then refusing to rematch solves a lot of problems.  Henceforth this is what troll-averse people need to do with every game.

But seriously, if a decent player asks me for a rematch I just tell them I like to rest between games (which is true - at least a minute or two), or tell them to take a break that I need a rest, and invariably they just get bored and leave within 30 or 45 seconds.

I really like that winning idea though...  

Is that your idea?  Why haven't I ever heard that before?


I have a confession to make. I quit a game after I was losing once. I only can ask for all of your forgiveness and compassion, it was a terrible offense I had committed. I went to support groups, and eventually, I stopped doing this terrible deed. I was not born this way though. I was raised. Raised in a world where quitting is the easier choice; the weak man's choice. I resent my old self, but from the persistence and greater understanding you all share with the simpler generation, I have overcome my weakness. I. Am. A. Lion.

Ooohkillem wrote:

I have a confession to make. I quit a game after I was losing once. I only can ask for all of your forgiveness and compassion, it was a terrible offense I had committed. I went to support groups, and eventually, I stopped doing this terrible deed. I was not born this way though. I was raised. Raised in a world where quitting is the easier choice; the weak man's choice. I resent my old self, but from the persistence and greater understanding you all share with the simpler generation, I have overcome my weakness. I. Am. A. Lion.

That brought tears to my eye.  




Funny  you should write this as your behavior with me was anything but good mannered.  


I get lot of these "non resigners". Of course i dont offer rematch if i win but mostly allow one rematch to loser. Another one that i hate are those who try to win/draw on time when they are clearly beaten. Like this one time i had full queen vs his lone king and needed just 1s to mate but didnt have it. I would have resigned the moment my opponent had queen as i knew i had been beaten. Another one was rook vs rook ending only because i had only 2 mins while he had 4. i resigned when he declined my draw request as i didnt feel like wasting my time. And honesly i have offered a draw when someone was in my position of losing just on time. Anyway as someone said -Online Courtesy is an oxymoron