
Sportsmenship ?

snakesbelly wrote:

This has happened to me too...I was very upset but later found out the guy I was playing owns this cat that kept jumping on the keyboard,so the cat jumps on the keyboard and he grabs the cat and throws it across the room ,but instead of hitting the wall, as he intended,it hits the goldfish bowl,well there is glass and water and fish all over the place so he jumps up to try and save the fish but ends up cutting his foot quite badly on the glass, he limps to the bathroom to find a towel but the blood on the tiles make it slippery and he falls hitting his head against the bathroom mirror cutting his face very badly in the process, he tries to make it for the phone but is blinded by the blood in his eyes ,trips over the cat and falls down the stairs breaking both his arms and his nose, he crawls to the phone that is next to the computer he kicks the table so the phone will fall on the floor where he can use it but the computer also happens to fall on the floor that is still wet from the gold fish thing and he electrocutes himself ,while all this was going on a fire started somewhere else in the building that he had nothing to do with and his electrocuted body is burned to ashes....I still feel bad for calling him a  **&^%^^&***(((&&&^^^ loser.


sportmenship isn't not the right to address to someone who dd'nt know sportmanship and i like what the Grove said,but he doesn't like it.


sportmanship is learned when we are kids!  I take the time to play games just to address those students with low coping skills.  I was lucky to be enrolled in baseball early in life.  Taught me how to win and lose thanks with  the help of some good coaches.  Many people don't get that and even with my secure self I still can kick myself for some of the mistakes I make in chess.