
You're Gonna Hear Me ROAR!


Which players would be the best? The pro's at opening or the endgame champs? :)


A lot of the skills you need for endgame are the same for the middlegame so I'll vote endgame.

Scottrf wrote:

A lot of the skills you need for endgame are the same for the middlegame so I'll vote endgame.

This is a paradox (or trick question if you will) because without opening knowledge, you WILL get slaughtered by top players, but then again you also need endgame theory because you would need to know how to defend (or draw) a lost position. It just keeps going round and round.


In other words, you can't be a pro without either opening or endgame skill. However, I have heard that one should learn endgames before one learns openings, so I somewhat agree with you there.


I think a player that has a medium skill in his opening, middle game & endgame can beat a player that is only a pro in the endgame or opening :)