
7-5-15 Inside Jersey Magazine Chess Mate Puzzle



This is a mate in eight puzzle by William Shinkman from the St. Louis Globe Democrat in 1887.  There are two first moves for white that work.  Not all moves are forced for black, and there are alternative move options for white as well, but all lines lead to a white checkmate within eight moves.

The solution accepted by this puzzle is the most straightforward solution, and in this line every black move is forced.



This is really nice one I get tired of finding the right move, I only sure a bout the position of the board but its beutiful and crazy I tried in on my board no way this is the only straitforward solution available, yes .this great .This chess game  is amazing, every day you discover somthing new, wow.

and by the way I like the idea that the rook is forcing the king to take pawns in his way to the checkmate and also the prepration for keeping the rook behind the line yes its beautiful.