
Still not believing it!


Here is a position from a recent game of mine. I was shocked when I put it through analysis by Rybka to find what I had considered a very reasonable and good move marked with ? and then even more shocked when I looked at the winning move suggested. For several minutes I thought that the whole program must have short circuited! Even now I am still trying to find the 'cook' for this suggestion, as I am unable to completely believe that this can be winning!

To begin with, I will give you the position and the hint that the obvious Rxe5 is wrong :)

Don't bother posting any garbage about it being easy, because unless you are a GM or similar you would have to be using an engine to think that this is easy.

I don't think I would have found and played this move if I had taken 3 months to look for it!!

Will give everyone a few days before I put up the engine analysis that should shock a few!


well whats the move  i cant find it


hmmm..Rf4 looks tasty


Rg3 is also difficult to answer to, but are you saying Rxe5 is wrong?  It certainly seems to win.




I'm thinking Rg3.

1. Rg3 threatens Qxg7 mate. I think black has to play 1. ... g6 (... Kf8 and white wins the rook.)

2. exg6 Rxg5 (if 2. ... fxg6 or 2. ... hxg6, then white will take the rook.)

3. gxf7+ Kf8

4. Rxg5 Ke7

Edit: 5. Rg8 is better than Rg7.

pleasenotblitz123 wrote:


I agree with this guy.


Rg3 looks like it does little if black plays g6


Rxe5 loses a pawn, but I can't figure out what the better move is.


The difference between Rybka's choice and Rxe5 is that its choice offers a chance at a better game and at worst about the same as Rxe5.

georgetownlaw wrote:
Sunshiny wrote:

I'm thinking Rg3.

1. Rg3 threatens Qxg7 mate. I think black has to play 1. ... g6 (... Kf8 and white wins the rook.)

2. exg6 Rxg5 (if 2. ... fxg6 or 2. ... hxg6, then white will take the rook.)

3. gxf7+ Kf8

4. Rxg5 Ke7

Edit: 5. Rg8 is better than Rg7.

More like

3.gxf7+ Kh8

4. Rxg5 Rf8

I think you may be right about that. I keep forgetting the black rook is in the queen spot so 3. ... Kh8 isn't as bad.




georgetownlaw wrote:

Is rybka's answer c3?

 Why? That just loses a knight.


I think Qxg7 is also a mistake:


Natural 1-Re5 may be bad due to 1---f6 and black ramains 1 pawn or 2 pawn up (as h4 is very weak) though white has attack. But what is winning ? First thing comes to mind is attack on g-file, secondly black Queen has little place to move.But I can not see any winning move.


1. Rg3 g6

2. Qf6 looks like it could work.

EDIT: Or maybe not. 2. ... Re1 would nullify that.

I still think Rg3 has a lot of play though and may be the best choice.




No cheaters here, just plug it in :-)


What's wrong with Rf4? Does the black Queen have a flee square I'm not seeing?

Edit: Ah', ok. The Queen can't go anywhere, but nothing is stopping one of the 2 pawns from advancing a square.


Qxg7 doesn't make sense to me because white can earn more material by

1. Rxe5 f6

2. Qxg7+ Kxg7

3. Re7+ Kf8

4. Rxd7

Does anybody see a solid "winning move" because I'm at a loss.