
For the Grammar Police (myself included)


Here's a great new music video by "Weird Al" Yankovic on the subject of grammar:




1 D0nt d0 4ny 0f th0se th1ng5


Nice video lol. I would say grammar is kind of important, but not that much. Usually it's not hard to figure out what a person meant when there are a few minor mistakes, and thus, communication can still run smooth. (For the purposes of casual conversation at least; a novel or published article is different, naturally.) Not that grammar isn't helpful of course.  But I think people who correct grammar mistakes constantly are more likely just looking for some silly reason to feel smarter than another person than anything else.

Although people should learn the real meaning of irony, lol. Irony is not merely a strange occurrence.


nice video!

Grammar is important, but everyone can do whatever they want!

Its their choice if they want to write everyone / every1.

On games with timer ( e.g. Live Blitz)  Word Crimes must be accepted

from everyone.


Agreed - When needing to type quickly, I think abbreviations are completely acceptable. It's when someone who is trying to speak down at you has multiple typographical errors in his/her message, well, that's when you should be allowed to call them on it. 


lol I still listen to this song...