
Great history site-


Just wanted to inform you of a great history site especially for those interested in US history. It has animated battles of the revolutionary, civil and world war II. Along with the animation is some short history of before , during and after the battle. It's a small site run by a father and daughter and is somewhat new so not all the historical events that you may be looking have been animated yet. But it is free and very nicely done.

                                                   Scut      Cool


I just watched the battle of getysburg. very well done. I enjoyed it.


Darn, nothing about the Great War...


It was at the battle of Fredericksburg, after the union army under Burnside had attacked Mary's Heights repeatedly and been driven back with huge losses that Lee, witnessing the slaughter, turned to his second in commmand Genreal Longstreet and said," It is well that war is so horrible, or else we should grow to fond of it."


Lee has to be one of the few great commanders who wasn't a psychopath.



Please correct the quotation as spelt by you. The word " least" should be replaced by "lest". "lest" is an old fashioned word its meaning being equivalent to" rather than". Best Regards.