
Players who hold up tournaments


Is there anything that can be done about players who don't start or don't finish tournament games, thereby stopping the progression to the next round?


When a player legally still has hours left in his game, that player is NOT, let me repeat for you, that player is NOT holding up the tournament. If the player has 3 days LEFT, then that player has 3 days. Are you new to this? Your rant is completely useless because you are the one who signed up for this type of chess. If you don't like it, then go ahead and play Live Chess. So stop crying because an Orange tastes like an Orange and not an apple. Grow up.


I was under the impression, Mr. Dumpling, that your game(s) had not begun.  No one in their right mind would suggest that you should move more quickly than the time control. But of course you jumped ugly without clarifying what I meant. Characteristic of our times I guess. I'm from NJ where rudeness is an art form. What small town are you from?