
Dutch Defense Tournament


Okay, who's afraid of the big bad Dutch?

 I just started a new tournament, the Daring Dutch Defense - it only has 12 spots, so come quick!  If you have ever wanted the chance to try out any of those anti-Dutch lines, here is your chance!  If you have ever wanted to destroy one of those anti-Dutch lines, here is your chance!

 The Dutch is a very flexible defense, not nearly as high regarded as it should be.  It has been handled by world champions for years. 

I hope to see a lot of action!



Hey post a link to it here because It is not showing up when I go to tournaments - unless it is a settings issue on my end.

I will adjust that setting thanks for the help!
I checked out the tourney but the rating limit is higher than my feable, puny, depressing, abilities.  Thanks for reminding me of my poor chesss skills. :)