
February Sunday Swiss


On Sunday I competed in the Sunday Swiss for February at my local club, in the first round I played a 10 year old rated close to 2000, I won a pawn but blundered under severe time pressure and lost. Then I played a 1250 who blundered his knight and lots of pawns, I crushed him. Then I played a 1750, roughly my strength, and was up a pawn until I completely lost it, and dropped my bishop. Then I played the club organizer, dan voje and had a winning position, but blundered again, also under even worse time pressure. Overall I think all 4 my games were winnable, I just need to get better at time management. My rating dropped from 1726 to 1704. Thanks for reading, henry. P.s. Anyone can challenge me in an online game whenever they want, I'll accept no matter what.


what is the time controls?

i think it would be beneficial to play some 10 mins or 5 min games to train yourself to think faster


The time control was 45 minutes with 10 second delay


Yeah our game was equal for a while, but the pawn sac is completely sound for white and stockfish even said white had a small edge, but nothing huge..