
Welcome to the Tournaments Discussion Forum


That little blue marker shows this thread is whats called " sticky". It will always appear at the top of the list of threads for the forum topics regardless of whats posted. It shows the same if you look in  the Chess Community forum. The top 4 are 'stuck' threads.


okayyy Smile how does I UNstick it ? Smile it not like I can scrub it off with white spirit or universal solvent Laughing an' I takes ur word for it, kohai, but I not goin' anywhere near one of these blasted things again Smile

what if I deletes me postin' ?


Staff and forum moderators can stick a thread in the forums, group admin can stick threads in groups. It will always show at the top regardless sorry.


I've hesitated to post in this thread lest I befall the same fate as smileative, but I'd like to put forth a suggestion that stuck topics not be kept at the top of the "Topics I am/have..." lists, but rather float in the sort order based on the latest post just like any other topic.

It seems to me that the "Stuck" status is primarily (if not only) relevant when viewing a topic category's main page and that the lists are most useful when sorted strictly by last post date.

When users are contemplating deleting their contributions to get around undesired behaviour then something is clearly not working like it should.


Why is my score 18 instead of 19?


no idea. maybe try to refresh.

Kacparov wrote:

no idea. maybe try to refresh.

I dont think that will work, I see the same as he does....


I drew my last game in round 2 and now my standing is +19-1=1 score 18.5, so it is not a refresh problem. I'm into round three anyway so it is no big deal, but I'm just curious.


If I can't find an answer here any ideas where I can?


I have no idea...


ok, kohai, if I deletes postin's an' it turns out that bloody thread is stuck cos of some group thingy, if I quit group will it then go away ??? /Smile\


Hi, sorry if this question has been posted before, but I haven't read the whole thread. Are there any plans to run tournaments with shorter time controls? Say for example five or ten minutes per game? Is it possible to run short tournaments with blitz style time controls? I feel like this would be a popular feature. Cheers!



I have been warring(wallyjack's chess war #2) since 25 July, 2009. My opponent,satorichess, has gone on vacation again with 90 minutes on the clock. This is my last game in round 2. It is a win. The tournament is a win. My experience with this tournament is a loss, as folks can just abuse their opponents at will. This is legal, but it is not in the spirit of competition that makes chess a great game. 

Stephen Chapman


This echos some earlier posts about different formats. Would like to see "live chess" tournaments. For instance, could you do 4-round swiss, game in 45?


5 rated games yes. This doesn't apply to premium members though.


but when setting a tournament you can change the setting to 0 minimum games, you can try finding such one :)


We are currently finishing round 2 (only 3 games left) of Satom international Super Fast Tournament which is a 3 advance tourney.  The first round went fine with 3 advancing to the next round.  However the second round is only advancing 2 players.  Obviously, I finished 3rd in my group in round 2, and should advance, but will not.  I contacted the tournament Director who said he does not know why that is, but can not change it.  As the round will be over soon, the 5 players who will loose out because of this glitch, would like to know if there a fix? or explanation?   Thanks!


No more than 50% of the group can go through, so if you had 5 people in your group only 2 can go through,


Tournaments have come a long way...

I hope one day we can host tournaments of over 100 people...

by the way, you are welcome to join this:

64 player knockout


i know that free members don't support much, but is it possible for to allow basic members to play two tournaments at a time?