


The rules for event chess is actually quite simple. You start by playing a normal chess game. There is only 2 additional rules.

1. Each player may once/game start an event during his turn before making a move.

2. A player may not capture more than 2 pieces that are not pawns before starting an event (This is to make sure both players need to starting an event quite early).

Note that each player starting one event means a game will become a combination of 2 events.


Ok, I'll be honest there are a few more rules, but the rules above are the only rules a new player needs to know in order to play event chess.



Starting event rules:

Starting an event is done in 4 steps:


1. Starting an event:

A player may start an event when:

  • It is his turn
  • He has not yet made a move
  • He has not started an event earlier in the game

To start the event, the player just needs to announce that he wants to start an event. If a chess clock is used it should be stopped when a player announces he wants to start an event.


2. Choosing an event:

When an event is started it will be chosen randomly from all possible events. When playing over the board, we usually use dices or an app on a phone. In the forums is used. Each event has an id, so the event with the corresponding id to the generated number is chosen. Some events have some requirements when they can be started.  If the requirement is not met, then get a new number and try another event until an event that fits the requirements is found.


3. Learning the new rules:

After an event is chosen the players need to learn the new rules. It is important that both players understand the new rules before continuing the game.


4. Resuming the game

After making sure both players understands the new rules it is still the player that started the events turn. If a chess clock is used his time should be started again. Then the player that started the event finishes his turn by making a move on the board and the game continues as normal with the new rules.


Piece movement:

Other than the first rule mentioned below, these rules make no difference to classical chess, but needs to be defined in some cases. They should get mentioned when an event starts where they could be relevant.


1. Captures before starting event

A player may not capture more than 2 pieces that are not pawns before starting an event.


2. Pawns moving 2 spaces forward

Pawns can move 2 squares forward if they are on the first or second rank. It is irrelevant whether they have moved or not.


3. Castling is both a king and rook move

Castling counts as moving both the king and rook. However the first piece moved when castling must still be the king.


4. Promotion by standing still on promotion square

If a piece is standing on a promotion square it is allowed to spend one move standing still on that square and promote (normally a piece can not stand on a promotion square since it gets promoted immediately, but some events might allow this to happen)


Threefold repetition:

The threefold repetition goes beyond the position on the board. This for example includes:

  • Whether a player has started an event
  • Any form of counter (amounts of time a special move can be made and such)