
Vote Chess Rules


I have decided on a few basic vote chess rules for Chess for LIfe.This rules will help us become one of the most successful vote chess groups on!

Rule #1:

Every person that joins a vote chess game,MUST wait till the time-left to cast votes hits 10 hours or less(we prefer 8hours though)

Rule #2

Do not cast your votes until the group has decided on what move is best.

Rule #3

All members that play must look at all replies on every move possible, and when you see a move you think is good tell us what it is and why you want to move it.

Rule #4

Have fun!

These rules are very basic.We expect dicpline from all players.We also want to get about a 80% vote on  the move decided on.Following these rules will help us be the BEST vote chess group there is...