Pretty much your average freak, with everything you ever wanted, needed and searched for, right here - in a big bag of dont give a shit =) The best way to describe me is to not - because im nothing but your perception of me, so its basically up to you and if you want to know more about me - then you can go FAQ on my ass if you like. Bring it. Average player with a bit of a hazardous playingstyle. Not fond of uptight experts that plays with their minds, i rather play with my heart and with a smile. I also enjoy ingame conversations, mostly about the game as to learn and share, analyse and progress. So if you just want to blitz and be rude, dont play me. It took me about 3 weeks to totally rule Chessmaster 8000 and 9000 but i usually loose when playing irl - but i dont mind since chess i just a hobby that i use to clear my head. But you never know.... Classic but irate defense, innovative openings with double features due to an attitude of "dont give a shit" usually throws experienced players off balance, so beware=)