
Welcome to my info.  I enjoy playing chess casually and have been playing for about 10 years, mostly online.  I own about 20 chess books, but I've only read maybe 4 of them and have long stopped even looking at them.  I enjoy bullet chess mostly because I hate waiting for the other player to move in slower chess games. 

On a personal note I am a Christian and would like to invite any and all to receive the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus so that you might be saved from hell.  Jesus poured out his blood on a cross so that we sinners can go free by placing our trust in his sacrifice.  God has promised to save everyone who comes to him with a sincere heart of repentance and faith in his son.  Romans 10:9-13 teaches that if we call on Jesus (ask him) to save us, and believe in our hearts that God raised him from the dead, "thou shalt be saved".  This is of paramount importantance as we will all someday appear before the judgement seat of almighty God (Revelation 20 vs 10-15 if you have any doubts about this). If you have not been saved you are in danger of spending an eternity in hell.  Please get saved before it's too late!