
Exclusive Tournament 2001-2200: 100 games completed

Start Date: Jun 20, 2009

Finish Date: Oct 27, 2009

Time Control
Games Rated
Avg Rating
Rating Range
Points Available
Max Group Size
# Advance
Simultaneous Games
Completed Games
Tie Breaks
Remaining Games
Max Avg. Time/Move
# of Timeouts
Biggest Upset

Important: Vacation is allowed

Minimum Games Completed: 100

Maximum Timeout %: 10

Following the trail of the 1001-1400, 1401-1600, 1601-1800 and 1801-2000 versions, the 2001-2200 range may be able to support a 20-player tournament.

In contrast to official tournaments which include as many players as possible, this is exclusive in that most players are not eligible.

The idea is that after 100 completed games players should have fairly stable ratings. Players who advance in this tournament will be more likely to still be near the rating they started with.

Even so, congratulations in advance to those who have big ratings increases over the months the tournament lasts.

Players much over 2200 will be removed at the start. I will make an executive decision about who to remove when the time comes. To ease this decision the current upper limit for registering is 2175 not 2200.


3 - Summary

TadDude | Oct 27, 2009, 4:19 PM

And the winner is Iostgalaxy on the tiebreak. Congratulations.

Players currently over 2200: 4 of 19

Players at the end of the final round over 2200: 2 of 4

Thank you all for participating.

2 - End of Round 1 Report

TadDude | Sep 15, 2009, 4:25 PM

Players over 2200 at the start of the tournament: 0 of 19

Players currently over 2200: 4 of 19

Active players over 2200: 3 of 4

1 - Kickoff Message

TadDude | Jun 20, 2009, 5:20 AM

One player has missed the boat but everyone else is aboard so let's get started.

Good games to all.

0.1 - Tournament Size Changed

TadDude | Jun 16, 2009, 6:05 PM

I have dropped the tournament size to a more appropriate number of 20 in the hopes some more will join if they know the tournament will start soon.

I will start on Saturday with however many players are here.