
CFC 1900 rating back in the 90s. Drew a 2150 from QC with Black in the final round to force a playoff at 7.5/9 points at a National Scholastic (Grade 8), followed by drawing him again as Black in first playoff. Finally armed with White took the championship in our third bout.

Only other high level matches lost to a 2202 with Black in an even endgame, making a blunder 5.5 hours into a 3 hour/side match (after a 4 hour match earlier in the day). Also lost to a 2450 with Black, badly. Knew I hadn't prepared to defend against King's Gambit yet, and played 1...e5 praying he wouldn't do it. He did. I got wrecked.

So when do I get to start playing these guys with White eh Tournament Director?