Down Argentine Way

Down Argentine Way

| 9 | Amazing Games

The old famous chess trap "Noah's Ark", has caught many naive chess players off guard and even Grandmasters. It is usually the Ruy Lopez which embraces the diabolical set up.

Down Argentine way, three-time Argentine Champion, GM Carlos Guimard (1913-1998) springs the "Ark" against his countryman, seven-time Argentine Champion, GM Raul Sanguinetti (1933-2000). White pitches a Pawn for position and, if he innocently recovers it with 9.Qxd4, he loses a Bishop after 9...c5, 10.Qd5 c4, the well known snare. In this game, White averts disaster by not falling for it. He has ideas of his own and he manages to regain his Pawn in a tortuous manner, but only after exposing the Black King to a violent assault. Black's gun blows up in his face and the trapper is trapped.

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