I'm a little bit eccentric, I sure am unique. I have an abundance of personality. I enjoy doing all sorts of stuff, as long as I can keep my feet on the ground. I'm not a real girly girl, I don't mind getting my hands dirty and I'm not the biggest fan of shopping or anything. I love music, anything that sets the mood appropriately suits me fine. I'm writing a book at the moment, but still have heaps of work to do on it so I think that will be an ongoing project for me. I can be really chatty, especially when I'm excited but I am a great listener too. I am a good combination of socialite and homebody, and I love meeting new people. I have a wicked sense of humor, I am openminded and it takes a lot to offend me. In fact, I don't think I have found anything truly offensive yet in my entire life so that should say something. I am fun, honest, cheeky, pretty reliable and fair. I am stubborn and determined and passionate about what matters most to me, especially my loved ones. I can be very sentimental. Oh, and I'm an awesome dancer... when I'm drunk ;P