ANYWAY, Gizzelle Is My Name :] I first opened my eyes to the crazy world on ?January 6? Mark it Baby! now a senior Student :) Saint Christopher Academy 15 Years of Age. My friends &&+ family; &+ Music are my life. I love ?fun,? but who doesn’t? I really love my life right now. There are many words to describe myself and my personality. My friends or family would mainly describe me as friendly, dependable and artistic. I wouldn’t hesitate to agree with each descriptive word. I think that being these things has helped make me into the person I am today, and I am very proud of the person I have become. Friendly, artistic and dependable are all words that anyone who knows me well would use to describe me. Each trait has developed greatly over the years and has made me who I am today. I think that friends and family would be proud of the person I have become. There is a quote that I try to live by every day which goes, “Be who you are, and say what you want; because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.”I am who I am, and I like how I have turned out.This quote just reminds me to be proud of the person you are stand up for what you believe in. That’s what makes a person into who they are.I take every obstacle in my life as a challenge. No matter how much I sometimes feel that a huge invisible hammer is about to knock me down to the ground, I have learnt to get back on my feet, unscathed; I am bolder and wiser with every step I take. I live knowing who I am and of my purpose in life. Such a valuable realization does not come knocking on just about anybody's door. I am thankful that I have had my experience to teach me about myself. Having said that, I most certainly agree without hesitation that ease does not challenge us and that adversity truly helps us discover who we are. I'm Just A Simple Girl Living A Simple Life And I Know What I Want. I'm SUCH A Beautiful Disaster :)) Don't Try To Mess With ME :))You Don't Know Me That MUCH :]