Hey, my name is Matthew. I am taken with the most amazingly awesome girl :). Her name is Bridget. Ugh, I love her soo much :). I love to play baseball alot. I play pitcher, catcher, center field, short stop, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. One more thing i am a cubs fan and proud of it. GO CUBS!!! I also play football. I play quarterback and wide reciever. Yes, i am a bears fan. GO BEARS!!! Now my family :). I live with my mom and on that note you can tell that there deforce sadley. I love my dad alot and i miss him so much. To be honest hes the best dad anyone can wish for. He's funny too lol. I have 2 sisters and a brother. One of my sisters is named Chloe and she is 15. She is 1st on my top. Hahaha, whats kinda funny about her is she is in love with pickles jk lol. My other sister is named Katlin and she is 11. She gets on my nerve sometime but shes cool. Well at least sometime lol. My brothers name is Brandon and hes 14. He gets on everyones nerves alot and we barley get along, but sometimes he can be cool. I have an yahoo account which is If you have anymore questions just ask me lol. Have a good day :).