
Hi there, I'm Iladshyan 👋

I'm a passionate chess player, dedicated content creator, and now, a budding blogger. You'll find me deeply engrossed in the world of chess, constantly honing my skills and sharing my insights with fellow enthusiasts. I'm thrilled to announce the launch of my new chess blog right here on, and I also have an existing website that you can explore! Blog

I'm excited to invite you to check out my brand new blog on From in-depth opening explorations to insightful endgame analyses, I'll be delving into a variety of topics to help you elevate your game. Join me in this journey of continuous learning and improvement.


Although currently inactive, my website serves as an additional platform where I've shared my thoughts on chess strategies, tactics, and more. Feel free to explore the articles and insights I've accumulated over time.

Lichess Account

When I'm not crafting content or curating my blog, I'm actively engaged in chess battles on Lichess. You can locate me by the username iladshyan. Tournaments and friendly matches with players of all skill levels keep me motivated and growing.

YouTube Channel

While my YouTube channel,, is currently taking a breather, rest assured that I'm diligently working on its revival. I've got plans to cover an array of subjects in my videos, ranging from opening theory to endgame strategies and much more.

Conclusion Driven by an unwavering enthusiasm for chess,

I'm on a constant quest to refine my abilities and expand my knowledge. Every match, every puzzle, and every analysis is a stepping stone in my journey. Whether you're seeking an engaging opponent or aiming to enrich your understanding of chess tactics, I'm here and eager to connect.

Thank you for investing your time in exploring my bio. Stay tuned for enlightening content on my new blog and feel free to explore my existing website as well!

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