
Just a random teen boy. (Now an Adult!)

I have more hands on training with aircraft than a car and will soon be allowed to fly a plane solo before I can drive a car without an adult present.

Loves listening to Rock, Metal, Rap, and videogame music.

Great Bands: OneRepublic, Jars of Clay, Burlap to Cashmere, Zayde Wolf, and Fallout Boy* and 12 Stones.

Greater Bands: Thousand Foot Krutch, NF, Tom MacDonald*, Evenescence, Fireflight, Icon for Hire, Creed, Imagine Dragons, and SKILLET!

*Not recommended for those under 18 due to language.

Favorite games: CS2, Minecraft, Helldivers 2, Phasmaphobia (VR and PC), and Breachers.

Send a message if you want to play or just chat. I'm open to talk. 

Two of my best giveaway games:



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